Public API

Querying the Public API


We recommend using a tool like GraphiQL for viewing all the fields that can be queried from the Public API. This section will give a brief overview of our top-level queries.

Caterers Query

The Caterers query returns basic information about all of the catering locations that have been tied to the integration. This query is typically used to find Caterer UUIDs for creating Subscriptions and querying for a specific Menu.

Example Caterers Query


It may be useful to include the address information so that you can know which UUID corresponds to which location.

Order Query

When you receive an Event Notification, the payload will include the UUID of the Order that has changed. You can use this UUID to query the Public API to see more details about the Order. Note that you must have permission within ezManage to access the store associated with an order UUID to be able to pull information about it.

Example Order Query


Subscriber Query

The Subscriber query returns information about the Subscribers and Subscriptions for the integration. This query can be useful in determining if you have successfully created a Subscriber or Subscription. At this time we only allow one Subscriber per API user.

Example Subscriber Query
