Using GraphQL
Heads up! The remainder of this guide assumes that your team is familiar with the use of API Clients, and are able to set up a connection via a client of your choice.
All requests must be made to our public GraphQL endpoint at via HTTP POST with an ‘Authorization’ header using the generated token as its value.
If you have never used GraphQL before, there is a lot of good information and examples to be found at
GraphQL leverages a pattern called introspection, which allows you to query the endpoint for information about the schema and structures you can request. Tools like GraphQL will handle this automatically, providing an easy-to-navigate documentation that you can use to see what queries are available, what fields you can ask for and what the return values will look like.
Make a POST request with your Query body to https:/, using the following headers:
- Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: <Your API Token>
- Apollographql-client-name: <Your Organization Name/Identifier>
- Apollographql-client-version: <Your Software Version>
In order for ezCater to properly track and troubleshoot requests to our API, all requests must be named. A collection of our naming convenstions for each query can be found at the bottom of this document.
Once you have your API Token and have connected to our endpoint via an API Client, you can begin setting up your integration with the Public API.